Sunday, November 30, 2008

numero dos

Before moving on to a few other Christmas projects, I couldn't help but crank out another one of these:

I've never been one to re-read a great book, and rarely do I watch a movie for the second time (excepting Amelie and Love Actually, both of which are called for after a break-up. And maybe Bridget Jones.) But coming across a quick, fun knitting pattern is a different case. Because unlike the many great books and movies I know await me after I finish one off of my bookshelf, a good knitting pattern is hard to come by.

And this one deserved to be used more than once. In fact, I'm sure I'll be back to it soon making new hats in different colors and patterns. I'm imagining the top in solid yarn with stripey earflaps. Or vice versa. Soon I'll have given up finals to become my own sweat factory of knitted caps. Made in...Davis.


Kaydo said...

beautiful scarf, awesome hats! and I am with you on the patterns to knit again front. and the movies. movies to watch again while knitting again.

Kaydo said...

Knit Picks! :

It's pretty fantastic stuff! Not quite as much fun as spending hours in the discount bin, but the results are just as happy.
