Thursday, February 8, 2007

Knitting Under the Radar

Blogging from work is never a good idea but it's 5:30, I'm exhausted and I still have another two hours left in my day. It's at moments like these that I wish I had my yarn with me and a sturdy pair of needles to work out the angst of editing papers, listening to lectures, and writing essays. Especially the velvety new yarn I bought in dark blue for the roommate knit around. The plan is to turn it into another manscarf (I've a fetish). It's a long, narrow scarf with small inset boxes that make for a subtle, classy pattern. Not sure yet who I'll gift it too. I've already knit a scarf for all the men in my life. Perhaps it's time for me to change scarf genres and work on a femescarf next.

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