Friday, February 9, 2007

Friday is flying

I'm posting from work. Again. But today is going wonderfully, not just because it's Friday, but because all of the painful obligations I thought would make my day drag are actually passing by without much notice. It's like I'm checking things off of my "to-do" list with ease. When in life does that ever happen? Rarely, so I'm soaking it up and attributing my happy high to the weather (the sun is finally showing its face!). I even pumped out a good chunk of my thesis chapter that is due today. Knitting is good for getting things done. Knit for an hour, work for an hour, knit for an hour, work... It's like the positive reinforcement sticker system they use in preschool to get you to do your coloring. Turn in an assignment and you get...a sticker! I've grown up from this model, though. Now it's: turn in an assignment and you knit!

I'm inching towards finishing a nice set of handwarmers for a friend; I've got to get them done by Sunday afternoon when I'm meeting her for lunch. There is nothing more rewarding than giving someone a gift that matches them nicely. I saw the pattern that I'm working and thought immediately of her. Now, it's a matter of deadline.

Also, I'm thinking of knitting up a yoga bag...all I need is a good yarn.

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